My pussy cat lily

My pussy cat lily
This is lily my baby plus a huge fan of tigers, thats where the name of the blog came from :-)

Friday, 4 January 2013

Day 2 of tidy up

Well spent some more time in craftroom sorting spent 2hrs in there moving stuff around and throwing things i don't know why i kept lol, yet when i walked back in looks no different to when i started :-( have looked on other site's to give me help on how best to have my items at hand, but having a big room is great but am just stuck as to where looks best that will easily find and get too.
So happy as got happy post come from as they have a sale on could not help myself, also came from QVC the special value they had on for DCWV 100 sheets 12x12 they are fab well worth the money, only gripe as sorting through them some of the greens had marks on but can get around that am sure.

bye for now off to make more mess xx


  1. Hi Julie
    congrats on setting up your blog. you can now enter challenges!!!! I am a follower now.
    Sarah xx

  2. hiya sarah
    thanks still trying to work it all out lol where i can see list of followers like on other blogs, that show the pictures under google any tips hun xx

  3. Hi Julie, I'm still learning heaps of things too and I have no idea how to do a list either must be getting old lol. Anyway your room will look fantastic once all tidy up its like mine where do I start mines scattered in 3 areas of the house takes forever to do craft then time to put away ....would love to see some pictures when you room is finished....welocme to blogland hugs xx

  4. Thanks Denise will take me a while to finish as picking my other unit up on sat so can have a proper sort out of where everything should go, managed to sort out member's part so can now see who is following me but dont ask how i found it took me ages going through the help part lol hugs xxx
